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The Energy Of Today For July 27

Timezone: America / Los Angeles

About the energy of today...

The energy of today is about living your real life, breaking free of all the scripted actions and reactions that you’ve been living with over the past few months.

What to do with it...

It's all about writing your own agenda, screenplay, etc. Take yourself out of your everyday and jump right into something special that you are quite capable of creating for yourself if you stop living in the pressure cooker that has become your life. Take yourself for a walk on paths untrodden.

The Energy of Today is brought to you courtesy of the AYM CENTER

AYM is about many things, but mainly it's your chakra connection.
To find out more, click here


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  The Body Organization     Get Your Body Organized     Be Ready For Anything  
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  Body Organization Training  


The Energy 4 Today is all about... You

Because an organized body's ready to handle anything...

Whether tackling physical, emotional, mental, relationship or other challenges, an "organized body" will be fully present to handle the Energy of the Day!

The AYM CENTER is owned and operated by LLC
In every sound, the hidden silence sleeps.
-Dejan Stojanovic(230)

Keywords used on this page...

Balance,  Emotional Challenges,  Energy,  Fully Present,  Handle Strength,  Organized Body,  Physical Healing,  Stability,  


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